Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stuff she's eaten

This morning, TS tried egg for the first time. Our Baby Led Weaning book says that there's not really a danger of her developing egg allergies since she's over 6 months old and there aren't any allergies to egg in the family.

Egg was a hit. So far, she's had:

  • Avocado - this was one of her very first foods, but she doesn't seem to really like it anymore. She didn't touch her piece of avocado this morning.
  • Roast squash - she likes squash. It's delicata squash and we left the skin on so it's easier to grab.
  • Roast sweet potato - also tasty.
  • Roast carrot - I think it blends in with the sweet potato and she's not sure which one she's getting. I roasted all three of these things together, so she's eaten a lot of them.
  • Egg - totally a novel eating experience. Mike scrambled her an egg this morning and cooked it so it was kind of firm. We cut strips of egg for her and she ate several.
  • Broccoli - I have a bag of frozen broccoli florets. It's handy because I can just microwave her a floret. She likes broccoli. She chews all the flowers off.
  • Blackberry - extremely tasty. A big hit.
  • Watermelon - ditto. 
  • Apple - she likes microwaved apple (I haven't managed to roast one for her yet). She also likes to suck on raw, crunchy apples, but she can't manage to get pieces off yet.
  • Asian pear - she tried this, but it wasn't cooked so she couldn't get much of it.
  • Oatmeal - I gave her a spoonful of my morning oatmeal a few mornings ago. I cook it with raisins and banana, so it has a little flavor. She wasn't too impressed, but I think it might have been the texture. It was hard for her to grab and get into her mouth. She did enjoy smearing it over the high chair tray and her pants.
  • Cucumber - she really seems to like raw cucumber. I cut a roughly 2" piece off the end and then cut it into quarters so she has cucumber sticks. I left the skin on so they are easier to grab ahold of. Somewhere I read that raw cucumber is good when babies are teething because it's cool on their gums and a texture that they like to chew on. She's able to chew off the seeds and make some dents in the firmer portion.
  • Artichoke - Mike gave her a leaf and she chewed on it for a while. He says she did a pretty good job. He also gave her a little piece of the heart and she at it.
  • Steak - I cut a section for her and she gummed on it for a while. Apparently sucking the juices out is good because they get a lot of the iron from it.
  • Tomato - This was one of the first things that we found in her diaper.
  • Lentils - she sampled, but didn't eat much.
We often give her a bottle of water with her meals, but so far she hasn't seemed very impressed. She likes to play with the bottle, but she's alway seems disappointed when she sucks on the it and it's not milk. 

We also tried giving her coconut milk when we were travelling back from the Treesort and had run out of milk. The lactation consultant said coconut milk would be a good beverage for her because it contains lots of good fats. We mixed the last of her milk with canned coconut milk. She seemed to like it ok, but she spit up voluminously once we got home. I can't prove that the two events are related, but we haven't tried coconut milk again.

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