Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The last couple days, TS hasn't wanted to eat much solid food. I figured it was a phase, probably related to teething, and that it wouldn't last long. Now I'm wondering if her poor tiny tummy has been upset.

Last night, she woke me up at 3am by nursing and then puking voluminously all over herself and me and the bed. She and I got up and I sponged us off and changed our clothes. We moved out to the recliner because I didn't want to lay her back down flat in case she was still "armed". She sort of dozed, but kept waking up.

The dog refused to stay in the bedroom and really wanted to go out into the back yard while we were sitting in the recliner, so I let him out. This proved to be a mistake (foreshadowing).

Finally, I took the baby back into the bedroom and handed her off to her Daddy for the second shift of baby-middle-of-the-night-awake-time. I fell asleep and they headed out into the living room. All was quiet until 5am when I was awakened for the second time by the noise of puking. I cleaned it up and locked the dog in the kitchen in case he was still "armed".

I slept until I heard the baby wake up in the living room, then Mike brought her in to nurse and we got up and went through our normal morning routine. I was tired at work today. And this evening, my stomach is upset. I'm hoping it's just the wine and pizza and that the tiny squee didn't pass some sort of virus on.

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