I am totally asleep. |
Something interesting happened tonight and I wanted to record it to see if it's going to be a one-time odd occurrence or perhaps the start of something wonderful. I started bedtime at about 6:45. I gave her a bath (mostly to wash the smooshed sweet potato off her legs), then we put on the night-time diaper. I zipped her into her Magic Sleep Suit which is usually accompanied by a brief fit of crying as she realizes it's time for sleep and she voices her disinclination for such activity. We read 2.5 stories and then we lay down to nurse to sleep. She nursed and nursed. She finished one Lact-aid bag of milk (about 4 oz), so I added a bit more milk and she sucked that down as well (another 1.5 oz). Then I gave her a bottle of milk I'd pumped at work. That's a large meal for a tiny squee. She finally fell asleep, so I got up and walked the dog and watched her on the video monitor. This is what I saw. She didn't seem upset, so I thought I'd just leave her there and see what happened. I watched her crawl in a large circle around the top of the bed. She kept pausing and I kept thinking "maybe she'll fall asleep like that," then she'd start crawling again. When she made it back to roughly this point, she lay down for 20 seconds or so and I thought she was really out. She perked back up for a few more minutes, but didn't move far. Finally, she lay her head down and has fallen totally asleep. As far as I know, she's never fallen asleep on her own like that before.
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