Monday, April 9, 2012

Weight gain!

Sterling weighs 6lbs 11.5oz as of our doctor's appointment this afternoon! Since the last appointment, we've been supplementing with 5-7 oz of formula / breast milk per day. Dr Liz says that she's still getting the majority of her nutrition from me, but that seems like a pretty sizable quantity to be getting not from me.   Basically, when she wakes up and gets hungry, I nurse her. If she's still hungry after nursing, which seems to be about 50% of the time, we give her a bottle. Typically she drinks 1-1.5oz per bottle feeding.

I tried to up the number of times I'm pumping per day, but it's tough to fit it in because I can't pump very well while I'm holding her. When I pump right after she's nursed, I get a trace amount of milk. If I wait for an hour, I get about 0.5oz (combined total). If it's been a while, like when she's only nursed on one side, I can get about 0.7oz.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to up the number of times that I can pump because we had a napping breakthrough today. Up until today, she was very reluctant to sleep unless someone was holding her. Today, she slept for an hour on her own in our hand-me-down baby papasan chair. It was lovely. I ate lunch, started a load of diaper laundry, and was able to pump. Unprecedented.

I'm currently drinking Mother's Milk tea, the herbal tincture from the Birthing Center, and taking fenugreek capsules every four hours. I don't know if it's helping, but it's not hurting.


  1. Woohoo!

    If you fb message me your address, I can send you my hands-free pumping bra. I used it once, but it just didn't fit me well enough for it to be effective, but it might help the baby-holding-while-pumping challenge.

