Monday, April 16, 2012

Updates from Week 3

Things Sterling Loves:

-Being carried in the Moby wrap. She falls asleep almost immediately every time we put her in there. We've taken her on several walks and several shopping trips that way. Mike carries her around the house sometimes.

-Her swing (the one we got at the consignment sale). She'll actually sometimes fall asleep in it. If she's asleep already, she'll often stay asleep for a half hour or more.

-Eating. Today she wants to do it every hour or so. No, I'm not producing nearly enough milk for that to be effective. We're supplementing pretty heavily with formula. She'll get as much breast milk as I can give her, and the rest will come from a bottle. I've come to terms with that, although I am very disappointed.

-Riding in the car.

-Looking at lights. I think she inherited that trait from her father.

-Polliwog in a Bog, sung repeatedly.

Things Sterling Hates:

-Having her diaper changed. I think this is mainly due to the fact that her father, the main diaper-changer in the family, has freezingly cold hands a lot of the time.

-Being put down places other than her swing. She wants to be held (or swung) all the time.

-Not eating, unless she's asleep or looking at lights.

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