So we've been diapering for slightly over two weeks now. Here's my reviews for diapering the tiniest of squees. She's still really too small to fit in a lot of things that we have.
We started with newborn gDiapers with disposable inserts because we didn't want to get meconium stuck on them (it's weird and black and tarry). We used them for the first couple of days, then it seemed like the elastic straps on the sides were rubbing on her legs. It seemed like they were too small, even though she's less than 7 pounds. Maybe we'll try the small gDiapers and see if they work better.
We like the kissaluvs size 0. They've very smooshy and fluffy. They seem very comfortable. We really like the kissaluvs contour diapers. You wrap them onto the baby and then secure them with a snappi. We also have some other contour diapers of some unknown brand. The snappi doesn't seem to attach to them very well, so I installed snaps (with my snap press!). They don't fit as well as the kissaluvs (poop blow-out!), but they're ok. All three of these require a cover, of which we have tons. Most of them are too big for her right now, but we have a few tiny ones that are working well. We also have Kushies all-in-one diapers that seem to be working pretty well. We've used them a couple of times... they are a little too big still (they apparently fit 10 pounds and up). We haven't gotten into the prefolds yet. They seem really bulky and too big for her still.
I'm guessing that in another 2 pounds or so, she'll fit in everything much better.
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