Monday, April 30, 2012


Well, I may not be able to breastfeed full time, but my baby is sleeping through the night (or at least she did last night). We both took a really long nap yesterday afternoon (like 3 hours). I was ready to head for bed around 2am, which is usually when she wakes up and wants her last feeding, so it seems like a waste of time to go to bed earlier than that and just have to get up again. I nursed her, then she wanted a bottle, then she wanted another bottle, so I got out of bed and headed to the recliner to feed her.

After she ate (and ate and ate and ate), she started to get tired so I thought I'd just rock her until she fell asleep, then move to the bed. However, I ended up falling asleep with her on my chest (I don't even remember falling asleep) and we didn't wake up until 9:30 this morning! According to the baby-tracker app, it was 6.5 hours since she'd had her last bottle... which means that we probably slept for a good 6 hours! In a row! I feel fabulous this morning.