Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New acquisitions

My brother and sister-in-law had decided that they were going to get me a BOB Revolution stroller as my baby present. It's the way high-end SUV of strollers. REI is having a 20% off one item sale, which includes this stroller (although according to the guy at the REI we stopped by, it's been excluded in the sale in previous years). They bought it for us online and I picked it up in the Portland REI this morning. We haven't opened the box, which is large and imposing. Mike has this idea that he'll go to the REI used gear sale and see if he can get one for cheaper. If so, we could return this one and give my bro a refund on the difference.

This morning, I also picked up a bunch of stuff from a woman on Craigslist. Here's a list of my loot:
Boppy with organic cotton cover - $10
Baby Bjorn Potty - $4
Kidco Food Mill with case - $5
5 Thirsties Diaper Covers size Medium - $5 each (1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 light blue, 1 dark blue, 1 periwinkle)
3 Thirsties Diaper Covers size 2 (these are the newer style with snaps to accommodate 18-40 pounds) - $5 each (2 blue, 1 yellow) **These have hardly been used at all - maybe 2 times each)
1 Bummis Whisper Pant Medium - $2
2 Bumpkins Plastic Bibs - $3
1 small Snappi and 2 large Snappis - $5
2 wet bags - 1 blue medium, 1 white large - $3 dollars each
12 small organic cotton prefold diapers - $15
12 medium organic cotton prefold diapers - $15
13 one size fits most fitted organic cotton diapers - $20 (I'll have to replace the elastic on these)
2 Hemp pocket diapers with fleece lining and doublers - $7 each
Diaper sprayer that attaches to the toilet - $20
Misc. organic cotton wipes, and extra random diapers...I'll throw them in if interested.

Grand total: $155
I figure it's a good deal. I can probably resell much of what I bought, either before the baby (if it's something we decide we're not going to use) or after the baby (since cloth diapers and such hold resale value pretty well).

I'm totally set for larger size diapers now... I just need to figure out what I'm going to do when baby is still teeny tiny.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo you have a BOB! Those are all the rage these days you know. I still want to get you an Ergo. It's the BOB of baby-carrying devices, at least in my opinion. I have even picked out the one I want to get you, but perhaps I should run it by you to make sure it's also your favorite. :)
