We just got home from having Sterling's tongue and lip ties snipped. The Dr was very nice. He examined her, then numbed her lip and under-tongue area with cherry flavored topical numbing stuff, then we chatted for a while and he explained exactly what he was going to do. His two assistants came in and one held her head and the other held down her arms, then he numbed the area with ice and then again with the numbing stuff. The lip snip looked gorier to me (I watched, but couldn't bring myself to actually participate by holding her down), but I couldn't really see the tongue snip. She bled into some gauze and cried vigorously for what seemed to be a really long time (but was probably a minute or two), then they handed her to me to nurse. She cried and bled onto my boob for another really long time (5 minutes maybe?) then settled down and nursed a little bit. She had a bottle and by the time that was finished, she seemed to have forgotten about the whole experience (except for a bit of bloody drool smeared on her cheeks).
I didn't notice a huge, amazing difference with her first nursing. Her tongue felt like it was doing the same thing it usually does (i.e. rub on my nipple somewhat painfully) and my nipple was its usual misshapen self after she was done. Her lip did flange out (like a goldfish) on its own without me having to pull it out, which has never happened before, so that's positive.
She's having a nap in her swing and I'm sitting her, also exhausted. We go back to see the lactation consultant tomorrow afternoon, so we'll see what she says then. Tonight, I get to cool down my finger with ice water, then run it up under her lip and under her tongue to keep it from healing back together.
Having to watch the procedure sounds tough. I'm sending good thoughts your way!