She agrees with me that Sterling has a tongue and lip tie. These are tissues that are supposed to have disappeared during development, but never did. She's the first medical professional that I've seen who actually agrees with me. I've thought Sterling had these issues since shortly after she was born (after I figured out that those were things that could affect nursing). I was certain that she had a lip tie, which is pretty easy to see (below):
Here's Sterling's lip tie (it's hard to get a picture of it because she moves).
She thinks that Sterling's lip tie is probably between a class III and IV.
I also thought that she had a tongue tie due to the way the end of her tongue looks and the fact that she "clicks" when she nurses (which is apparently the sound that babies make when they break suction due to the tongue not cupping correctly). Dr Liz said her tongue frenulum was sort of tight, but didn't think it would make that much of a difference nursing. Maybe it doesn't, but maybe it does. I haven't been able to get a picture of this because it's pretty far back. We're going to go talk to an ENT doctor about this and hopefully get her tongue tie cut (which is apparently not as traumatic as it sounds for a baby).
Melissa helped me optimize the herbs and things that I'm taking to try to increase milk production. She made me up a custom tincture to take along with the things that I'm taking now.
She gave me a feeding tube thing to use as a supplemental nursing system at the breast. One end of the tiny little tube goes into a bottle and the other end gets slid into the corner of baby's mouth while she's nursing. The suction she creates sucks milk through the tube from the bottle. We had tried a "starter SNS" supplemental nurser when Sterling was about a week old (maybe less). It was sort of fiddly and hard to deal with. It leaked and had to be attached to something at the same level as baby's head so it drained at the right speed. It was a pain and we gave it up after trying a couple of times. This works much better.. or I'm not so overwhelmed by everything else and just seems to work better. I like this. It makes me feel like my breastfeeding is accomplishing something because she gets to nurse AND she gets enough milk. It's also good for strengthening her sucking muscles.
Overall, it was a very positive experience. We were there for about 2.5 hours and I'm going to recommend her to anyone I encounter who's having trouble with breastfeeding.
A mama is always right. You are amazing, and this is awesome news!