Friday, May 11, 2012


We visited my dad yesterday. He's totally in love with Sterling. He's decided that he's going to go by Doodad (my brother and I have called him Doo practically forever).

Two of my aunts and an uncle (my dad's brothers and sisters) were visiting and they were also very impressed with the baby. I learned something interesting talking to one of my aunts - she didn't produce enough milk to feed her babies either. She's the second one of my aunts to tell me that. I remember my aunt who lives in Portland mentioning it when she visited us when Sterling was probably about a week (or maybe two) old, but I apparently chose to ignore it at the time. But now, having heard about nursing problems from two different aunts, I think it's fairly likely that there's some genetic component to my low milk supply.

This news is both depressing and relieving. It's sort of a relief to hear that there's some physical problem 
and that there's nothing I could have done to prevent it or to have made it better if I'd done something differently earlier on. It negates a lot of the "what ifs" that I've had running through my head. On the other hand, it means that there's nothing that I can probably do to improve my milk supply beyond where it is. That's really depressing. I'm going through a grieving process about breastfeeding. 


  1. Can't think of anything to type that sounds appropriately comforting, but just wanted to say-- it makes sense that you're going through a grieving period, because it sucks to have to give up part of your dream of how things would go re: parenting. You're still an awesome mom in my book no matter how much you do or don't lactate.
