Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bed Time

All the books and websites I've read have said that you need to establish a consistent routine for bedtimes. That way, the tiny squee knows that it's time to go to sleep. I started my bedtime routine tonight.

I cooked dinner and actually got to eat some of it while it was warm. Then, Sterling wanted a bottle and ended up drinking 5 oz of milk. At about 8:30, we changed into the night-time diaper, a long-sleeved onesie, and a fleece sleep bag. We went into the bedroom and read two stories. She was mildly interested in the stories. She looked at some of the pictures. She did a little bit of crying and fussing because she was tired. After stories, I turned the lights out and we sang a couple of songs. Then I put her into her cosleeper. She lay there for a little while, then started crying, so I took her out. I nursed her a little bit, then tried again. She cried and I took her out. I nursed her a little bit more, laid her down, and left to go make a bowl of cereal. She cried before I got the cereal out. I picked her up and patted her for a minute, then laid her back down. She fell asleep, then woke back up and cried after a few minutes. I picked her up again and patted her and then put her down again. At this point, she's been asleep for 15 minutes. I'm watching her on our TinySqueecam.

Edited to add: She slept for about 30 minutes in her cosleeper. Then, she started waking up and moving about. I waited till she got her mad face, then took her in a binky. She happily sucked on it for a few minutes, but then that plan backfired when it fell out of her mouth and she started to cry. I picked her up and walked her around a little bit again, then put her in her swing. She's sleeping there now.

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