Monday, January 2, 2012

Third Trimester, here we come!

We've officially entered the 28th week of pregnancy, which starts out the third trimester. I feel like I got about 5 times more pregnant in the last couple of weeks.. hopefully it's due to baby and not due to fudge and cookies.

Baby has active days and less active days. I went to prenatal yoga on Saturday and Shana (the yoga instructor) told someone else that the less active days are probably when baby is turned around and kicking towards the back. Apparently you can't feel kicks towards the back. All the kicks I've felt have been either down or to my left side, so maybe baby alternates between that direction and facing backwards. I enjoy the yoga class. It's really nice to check in with other pregnant ladies. I met someone who is almost exactly the same amount pregnant as I am. She's due March 28th. She looks a lot more pregnant, but she's also 5 inches shorter.

Sleeping has definitely become more of a challenge and I seem to have entered another tired phase. I slept (or at least tried to sleep) for 11 hours last night. I start out on my left side with a pillow between my knees. At some point during the night (usually about 3am), I wake up, go to the bathroom, and switch to the other side because my hip is starting to hurt. After that, I wake up every hour or hour and a half to change positions. I can see why pregnant ladies sometimes move to the couch or to a reclining chair for the last bit of pregnancy - laying on my back is more comfortable for my hips than laying on my side, but it's uncomfortable to be flat on my back. I have to be propped up on a couple of pillows so that I'm laying on a slope.

The disrupted sleep is making it easier to remember my dreams, so there have been a lot of those. Last night, I had a dream that I took the baby swimming. The baby had just recently been born, and this was going to be one of our first outings. Baby was the size of probably a 6 month old, which occurred to me in the dream. There was a whole saga involving lockers and where to put the baby while I changed and swim diapers. We were going swimming with Jess and several other friends who had babies. Jess's baby could swim like a fish because she had a pool in her backyard. In this dream, the baby was a girl.

I also had a dream that we took the chinchillas outside for a walk at my mother's house and we lost one of them. In the dream, we had three (we only have two in reality) and we lost the one that doesn't actually exist. We searched around the neighborhood looking for it. At one point, we asked a neighbor who was out raking his leaves if he'd seen the chinchilla. We told him it looked sort of like a squirrel.

1 comment:

  1. A Chin looks "sort of like a squirrel"? I'd have gone with "bunny" and then explained the shorter ears and longer tail, but whatever.

    Miss you tons. Could you try turning your Skype on sometime please? I miss you and would like to see this hot mess that you are becoming!
