Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Doctor's Appointment

Today, I had my gestational diabetes screening. It's pretty much done with all pregnant women, not because I had any risk factors. This morning, I got up and had my usual bowl of oatmeal (8:30am). At 10:30, I drank 50g of glucose solution. It wasn't as horrific as I had been led to believe by people's posts online. It tasted sort of like flat sprite. I mean, I wouldn't drink it if given a choice, but I didn't think it was particularly worthy of complaint. At 11:30, Dr Liz drew blood that gets sent away to wherever it is that does the glucose tests. She says she's not worried about the results, what with me not having any risk factors and all. I'm not worried either, although I did lodge a complaint about having to take the test right after Christmas when my cookie consumption is at an all-year high. She pointed out that if I'd taken the test before Christmas and gotten bad results, my cookie consumption would have been reduced to an all-time low. Therefore, by taking the test after Christmas, at least I got to eat the cookies regardless of the results.

I've gained 3 pounds since my last appointment, which was a month ago. I figured I would have gained a lot more than that. I added in at least one extra meal per day composed entirely of cookies while I was at Granny's house. I also look a lot more pregnant than I did at the last appointment. She measured my fundal height (how big the uterus is, basically) and said I'm right on track. Apparently I've caught up from being a bit small and am now regular-sized. This totally agrees with my feeling that I'm about 5x more pregnant looking than I was a few weeks ago. Maybe the baby just needed some extra cookies to kick-start its growth.

Heartbeat was steady and sounded fabulous. Next appointment is in a month.

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