Monday, October 10, 2011

Omega 3's

Today, the baby and I shared a can of sardines. The normal reactions I get from people when I tell them I've eaten sardines are either "Ew!" or "Huh".

My dad, my brother and I used to go camping fairly frequently when I was a kid. One of the things that we always brought along to eat was a can of sardines and saltine crackers. I have excellent memories associated with eating sardines and I enjoy their fishy flavor. They're also chock full o' good stuff: calcium (if you get the bone-in kind), omega-3's, and probably other things that I've forgotten.

Earlier on in my pregnancy, I was totally avoiding fish. While we were on our honeymoon cruise, I couldn't eat fish (with one exception) and didn't even want Mike to sit too close when he was eating fish. Anticipating that this would change as morning sickness abated, I bought three cans of sardines.

I opened one up and enjoyed it this afternoon. It was fabulous. I'm supposed to be eating about 1 fishy meal a week. We had salmon a while back, but I think it's been more than a week since I ate any fish, so it was about time.

Speaking of eating, today has been full of it. I had my usual breakfast this morning (oatmeal with raisins, frozen blueberries, ground flax, and plain yogurt). By the time I finished teaching 2 hours later, I was starving. Luckily, I had brought an apple for the drive home. Upon arrival home, I fixed myself a small grilled cheese sandwich with the last of the loaf of Costco bread. It's small-sized bread, so it was probably about half the size of a regular grilled cheese. I also ate the very end of the loaf with butter. Then, I had a plum. A half hour later, I was hungry again. That's what inspired the eating of the can of sardines, as well as half a sleeve of Club crackers, which we got instead of saltines because they're better with cheese. I topped it off with a small handful of peanut M&M's.

I believe I'm sated for at least the next hour or so.

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