Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More (the last!) diapers.

One glaring hole in my (somewhat oversized) collection of cloth diapers was diapers for the first few months. I've already decided that I don't want to use the all-in-one diapers when the baby is really tiny. I think they're just way too huge and my mom felt like they restricted my niece's movement when she was little (she learned to turn herself over right after they switched to disposables). I have both BumGenius 3.0 and Fuzzibunz one-size diapers, but I don't want to use them until the baby is big enough to move inside them.

My latest Craigslist purchase is a bunch of little cloth diapers, all of which I got for $200:
5 newborn Kushies (all in one) - these are really cute. (new: $10)
3 newborn Bummis wraps (new: about $12)
5 small Bummis wraps (new: about $12)
1 small Litewrap wrap (new: about $6)
6 Thirstys wraps (new: about $11)
12 small Kissaluvs contour cloth diapers (possibly $7)
8 medium Kissaluvs contour cloth diapers (also about $7)
3 size 0 Kissaluvs fitted diapers (about $12)
2 size 2 Kissaluvs fitted diapers (about $12)
2 Snappis for the Kissaluvs (about $5)
2 G Diapers (about $15)
TOTAL if bought new: about $458 - I got the prices off of amazon. They're approximate because for some items, I'm not sure if I got the exact right item.

The lady who was selling the diapers also let me go through her maternity clothes. I got a bag of new tops (probably 8 or so) and a swimsuit for $20. Then, I stopped by Other Mother's consignment shop (I'd seen ads for it on Craigslist) and picked up three pairs of pants I can wear to work, a red Christmasy sweater, and a cute baby outfit with a raccoon on it all for $30. I had needed more work pants since I really only have one pair and it's hard to make it through a whole week with only one pair of pants. I'm pleased and will run several loads of laundry tomorrow.

I'll have to go through and catalog what diapers I have and how much I (think) I spent on them. I'm trying to keep a total now so that I'll be able to see how much this whole diapering endeavor costs. I'm curious to compare it to disposable diapers.

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