Tiny Squees can swim!
Well, at least Tiny Squees can play in the pool. Swimming might be a bit of an overstatement.
This is us in the apartment pool. Mike couldn't come to the swim lesson, so I don't have any pictures. |
We had our first official swim lesson today. We got a LivingSocial coupon for 12 weeks of swim lessons at the
Dolfun Swim Academy. There's a lot of singing and a little bit of splashing. There were 5 babies in the class. Three of them were girls about 4 months old (including Sterling). One girl was much smaller, and there was one boy who was probably around 3-4 months. We floated the babies on their fronts in the "harbor hold" (like little harbor seals) and clapped and sang. Then, they floated on their backs with parents holding their heads only - surprisingly, their bodies stay afloat doing this. We poured water over their faces ("Ready, Sterling, Swim!") to prepare them for going under. Then, near the end of the class, we actually dove them under water (with instructor assistance). Sterling was
not pleased with this part. I think she was getting tired and hungry by that point in the class. She had only napped for 45 minutes or so between getting up and going to class and she hadn't had much to eat either. Next time, I need to make sure to load her up with milk before we go so that she doesn't get hungry part-way through. She's totally exhausted at this point. She fell asleep in her carseat and is still there napping, which never happens. She's been asleep for nearly an hour.
That's way too damn cute.