Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Baby position

The Tiny Squee has totally moved down out of my stomach and diaphragm. I'm not sure if this is it "dropping", which it's supposed to do before it's born.. but it's certainly more comfortable for eating. However, it's substantially less comfortable for sitting and for walking. Driving has become slightly more challenging. I have to lean the seat back a bit more than I used to so that I don't compress a head into the lower part of my abdomen / pelvic region. One of my students noticed that the baby had moved down this evening, so I don't think that it's just me imagining it.

There's definitely more contraction activity going on than there was a week ago. I'm having Braxton Hicks contractions (which feel sort of like a tightness going through my whole abdomen) probably once every several hours (at least). I've started to get sort of menstrual-crampy feelings as well. However, Dr Liz was talking about those yesterday at the appointment, so I'm wondering if I'm making them up just because she planted the suggestion.

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