Today was our Portland baby shower. It was awesome.
My mother and I. |
We had excellent food: there were 7 different types of tea with cucumber tea sandwiches and apple / boursin cheese on rye bread sandwiches. There was an fabulous veggie tray, cream puffs, berries, crackers and cheese, pomegranate seeds, and merengue cookies.
Mike and I went to Pastrygirl and got a cake. It was apple spice cake with salted caramel filling between the layers and vanilla buttercream frosting. It was awesome.
Tiny Squee cake!! If you look closely, there's a yellow squirrel on the left-hand block. |
After people had a chance to eat, we opened presents. I must say that I have very generous friends and family.
These are from Leslie. She crocheted the hat and tiny booties in the front. Mike was *thrilled* that she gave me yarn. |
These are from my mother. Tiny squee will have such warm and toasty toes. The bottles are the same brand as my breast pump, so hopefully they work well. |
The stroller console is from Leslie, as is the crochet book in the front. Mike's Mom sent the stroller weather shield, which will be awesome for taking Tiny Squee out for walks when it's cold and drizzly. She also got us the baby monitors, which are underneath the squirrel puppet from Jessica. |
Cameron got us this wool diaper cover, which is being modeled by my purple bear. I have to lanolize it so it's waterproof, then it's supposed to be used over cloth diapers just like a rubbery diaper cover. Wool diaper covers breathe, unlike synthetic ones. I'm eager to try this out, but I don't personally know anyone who's used them. |
I'm going to include Ciara's tiny quilt here, even though she wasn't able to be at the shower. It's beautiful and I can't wait to cover up the tiny squee with it. I decided that the dog sort of looks dead in this picture, so I took a different one (below), but it doesn't show the quilt as well. |
There are a couple of gifts that aren't pictured here because they are still in the mail. I'll post them when they arrive.
After we finished with presents, we played a few games. We filled-in-the-blanks on several nursery rhymes. Kim won that one; she didn't get any of the words wrong. My mother and I both missed one word (different words).
There was a funny a baby question game where everyone wrote a baby-related question on one side of a card, then the answer to their question on the back side of a different card. Some of the question / answer combos turned out pretty funny:
Do babies ever spit up? Vagina.
Are babies mammals? 21 inches is pretty common.
How long is the baby? Depends on what they ate.
Babies come out of what part of the body? Ear.
Where is a baby's belly button? Boobs!
We guessed the number of jelly beans contained in a glass jar. The winner got to take home the jar. Cameron won that one, but had already left by the time the winner was declared. Mike came in second, so I've been eating jelly beans all night.
We also played pin the sperm on the egg. My sperm is the one all the way up in the right ovary. Mike's got pretty close.
There was a sperm pile-up at one location. The happy egg is up in the corner of this picture. |
One of the activities that I had really wanted to do was to have people fold origami stars. I saw a really cool mobile made up of these stars on etsy, but it was pretty expensive. I had people write messages to the baby on their strips of paper, then we folded them into stars (which took a while, but which we got the hang of). I'm going to hang them all up on strings to make a mobile for over the crib.
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