The tiny squee continues to make me hungry five (or 10) times a day. I'm trying to ration its supply of sweets and convince it that squash and apples are just as tasty. I'm not sure that it's working. I just really want sweet things. Or salty with lots of fat (Cheetos, anyone?).
There's tons of activity going on in my midsection, too. Baby seems to be testing out a variety of different positions. For several days there was a lot of banging on the bottom parts. I think baby was jumping up and down on my cervix to see if it was closed securely (it was). Then, the poking and prodding shifted over to my left side. This morning, baby seems to be laying on its back and poking its toes upwards. It's totally unpredictable and still a slightly disconcerting sensation.
I'm trying to make it through the end of this term with my regular clothing before switching into maternity tops full-time. Maybe I'd feel differently if it was summer and I was wearing thinner tops, but most of my sweaters are stretchy enough to still fit. I think I may have overestimated the amount of maternity clothes I would actually need. I should have held off on buying stuff until I actually didn't fit into my other clothes. I don't feel like I'm really big enough to wear most of what I've gotten without looking kind of silly. I need to sort through what I have and see what I'll actually wear. During winter break, I may end up trying to sell (or take to Goodwill) some of the stuff I really won't ever wear.
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